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Black Templairs Patrol

    Black Templairs Patrol
    Color and paint schemes

    Greetings, commanders of the hobby! At Art-W Studio, we are once again immersed in forging the destiny of the Black Templar with Black Templairs Patrol. Among the shadows of the workshop, we have brought to life 6 Eliminators, 5 Sword Brethren, 1 Dreadnought Ballistus and 1 Primaris Techmarine.
    The canvas of our miniatures has been masterfully painted, following the classic black templar scheme: jet black armor, cloaks with the elegant antique bone color and red trim for the Sword Brethren. The Technomarine, on the other hand, has been highlighted with the vibrant red colors emblematic of his title.
    The bases, authentic miniature battlefields, have been meticulously set. From rocky terrain to urban scenery, each unit has its own visual story. We have assembled the miniatures with care, paying attention to the specific details that our client wanted. In addition, some elements were created with 3D technology to add even more personality to these small works of art.
    A single painter has woven the main plot, from the assembly of the miniatures to the last touch of the brush. However, when the machinery of time was not enough, a second painter entered the scene to bring the imposing Dreadnought to life.


    Warhammer 40k

    ✻ Black Templairs Patrol


    ✻ Basing


    ✻ Tailor-Made

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    Customer briefing

    The Templar Saga

    The connection between Art-W Studio and our client was forged in the tactical field of Warhammer. This strategist, passionate about the Black Templar, found us to entrust us with a crucial mission: to expand his forces. His request included 6 Eliminators, 5 Sword Brethren, 1 Dreadnought Ballistus and 1 Primaris Techmarine.
    With a clear vision, he requested the Black Templar’s signature paint scheme, detailing the importance of maintaining the visual consistency of the army. The special request lay in the unique depiction of the Primaris Techmarine, adorned with the emblematic red colors. Their meticulousness manifested itself by sending bits for conversions, each one properly labeled.
    That was how the strategic alliance between our client and Art-W Studio began, merging strategy and passion for Warhammer in this unparalleled project.

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    Photo of the project Ornate level

    Behind the Shadows of the Black Templars

    From the initial assembly to the final details, we have kept our client immersed in every step through daily photos that capture the evolution of their cult mechanicus army.
    From the assembly of the miniatures, where each piece is masterfully fused together, to the miniature storytelling bases, we have documented every phase of this process. The daily photos have been a window into the workshop, allowing you to follow closely the evolution of the troops and heroes that now make up this great army.
    The lead painter has led with passion, weaving the thread of the classic painting scheme into every corner of the armor and capes. In the last act, the second painter has contributed his expert touch to the imposing Dreadnought. Each image is a fragment of the dedication and artistry we have invested in this tactical creation.

    Kasrkin de Invierno KT

    Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol Black Templairs Patrol

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    Eliminators, Ornate level

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    Sword Brethren Ornate

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    Primaris Techmarine Ornate

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    Dreadnought Ballistus Ornate

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    Eliminators, Ornate level

    Templarios Negros Patrulla

    ¡Increíbles! Entre estos y las anteriores remesas ya darán un pelín de miedo en mesa xD


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