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Custom Votann Army

    Custom Votann Army
    Color and paint schemes

    We are proud to announce that we have successfully completed a project to create a Votann Army League for one of our clients. We worked closely with them to create a custom scheme that met their needs and specifications, while applying our distinctive aesthetic throughout.

    Our artists utilized advanced painting techniques to achieve optimal levels of detail on each miniature in the army. We used a combination of our Game and Flashy painting levels, with Flashy bases for an impressive finish.

    Furthermore, to add realism to the space dwarves of Votann Army, we applied battle damage and brutal OSL green effects. The combination of these elements has created a unique effect that will make these Votann Army forces stand out on any battlefield. We are delighted to have exceeded our client’s expectations and look forward to working on similar projects in the future.


    ✻ Warhammer 40k

    ✻ Votann Leagues

    ✻ Assembly

    ✻ Painting

    ✻ Basing

    Votann Army

    Customer briefing

    I want a Custom Votann army

    Ever since I first heard about the release of the Votann League, I knew I needed to have them in my collection, and that you were the right studio to paint them to the quality I was looking for. Your previous work has left me impressed, and I’m sure this project will be no exception. All the units are great, but the tanks of this faction simply leave me speechless, so I would like you to focus on them and paint them at your Ornate level.

    As for the paint scheme, I would like it to be something out of the ordinary, something that makes these miniatures stand out in my collection. I like red and green colors, and I would love to see an interesting combination of both. Additionally, I would like them to look like they have been in several battles, with weathering and damage all over, and to look like they have just come out of a mine, which I want reflected in their bases.

    Votann Army

    General photo of the vehicles painted at Ornate level

    Follow up, Emerging from the mines

    Once the client provided us with their custom color scheme, we only had to make a few adjustments to fit it into our painting palettes and add our signature touch. We made sure to maintain the initial essence proposed by the client, but with muted and more subtle tones.

    After several color tests and with the entire project ready, we started bringing the army to life. For the bases, we 3D printed some crystals that we painted similarly to the energy and light effects of the army, suggesting that they are the materials used to power their machinery.

    Votann Army League


    Download your zero-dollar painting guide

    Got this ebook packed with secrets from our Orks gig for Play On Tabletop. Insane painting guides? Check! Special effects? You bet! Plus, a sneaky gift from the Deadly Print crew. What’s not to love?

    Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army Custom Votann Army

    Einhyr Hearthguard, Game level

    Ûthar the Destined, Ornate level

    Einhyr Champion, Ornate level

    Hernkyn Pioneers, Ornate

    Ironmaster Brôkhyr, Ornate painted

    What an amazing job they have done! The color scheme is spectacular, and the level of detail in each miniature is amazing.


    Opinion taken from Google

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