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Death Guard White

    Death Guard White
    Color and paint schemes

    Prepare to plunge into a world of chaos and decay with our latest project, the host of the Demon Primarch Mortarion with tha Death Guard White. From the shadows of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, emerges this set of imposing and sinister miniatures, each loaded with its own dose of terror and destruction.
    What awaits in this macabre display? From the deathlord Mortarion to his faithful followers: Plague Marines, Blightlord Terminators, and a variety of corrupt allies.
    But beyond mere presence, each figure has been treated with the highest level of attention and skill. From the initial assembly to the final touches of paint, every stage of the process has been carried out with mastery and precision. And speaking of paint, we’ve opted for a color scheme that pays homage to the traditions of pre-heresy Deathguard: antique whites, rotting greens and touches of copper for a truly ominous effect.
    But we don’t stop at the surface; the bases have been designed to complement the atmosphere of desolation and despair that surrounds these forces of chaos. With carefully selected elements, from debris to toxic puddles, each base tells its own story of desolation and decay, accentuating the towering presence of the miniatures.


    Warhammer 40k

    ✻ Death Guard White


    ✻ Basing

    Death Guard White Army

    Customer briefing

    The Darkness Rises

    The story behind this project begins with a passionate Warhammer 40,000 fan looking to take his collection to the next level. We met with a client committed to his vision, eager to see his pre-Heresy Deathguard army come to life in all its corrupted glory.
    From the first contact, it was clear that we were looking at an ambitious project: the client tasked us with painting a diverse range of miniatures, from the colossal Mortarion to the relentless Plague Marines and their companions.
    But beyond the simple request for paint, the client had a clear vision in mind. He wanted each miniature to faithfully reflect the classic pre-Heresy Deathguard scheme, with its weathered whites, rotting greens and hints of copper evoking decay and corruption.
    In addition, he requested that the bases be carefully crafted, creating a desolate and terrifying environment to serve as a backdrop for his hellish figures. In short, he wanted every detail of his army to reflect his love for the dark and twisted world of Warhammer 40,000.

    Death Guard White

    Photo of the project Ornate & Premium level

    The Kingdom of Putrefaction

    Immerse yourself in the exciting journey behind the creation of the Demon Primarch Mortarion Force with the Death Guard White. From day one, we embarked on a meticulous and exciting process to bring our client’s visions to life.
    Every step of the way, from the initial review of the miniatures to the final touches of dirt and blood, was thoroughly documented and shared with the client.
    Our team of experts dove right into the task, beginning with the assembly and detailed review of each miniature to ensure optimal quality. Once completed, we dove into painting, faithfully following the classic pre-Heresy Deathguard color scheme. With skill and passion, each miniature gradually came to life, capturing the very essence of Chaos in every brushstroke.
    And to complement our process, we sent the client daily updates, accompanied by progress images so they could keep a close eye on the evolution of their army. From the first strokes of paint to the final effects of dirt and vomit, our client witnessed every stage of the process, ensuring that his vision was realized to perfection.

    Guardia de la Muerte Blanca

    Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White Death Guard White

    Guardia de la Muerte Blanca

    Deathshroud Bodyguard Ornate

    Guardia de la Muerte Blanca

    Foetid Bloat-drone, Ornate level

    Guardia de la Muerte Blanca

    Mortarion Premium

    Guardia de la Muerte Blanca, Death Guard White

    Plague Marines Ornate

    Guardia de la Muerte Blanca, Death Guard White

    Eradicators, Game level

    Guardia de la Muerte Death Guard White

    ¡Increíbles! Entre estos y las anteriores remesas ya darán un pelín de miedo en mesa xD


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