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Legions of Nagash Band

    Legions of Nagash Band
    Color and paint schemes

    At Art-W Studio, we have completed an exciting project for a client dedicated to the Warcry universe: the “Legions of Nagash” band. This team, composed of a Necromancer, five Grave Guard and ten Skeleton Warriors, allowed us to deploy all our talent and dedication in the art of miniature painting.
    The process began with the meticulous assembly of each miniature. To enrich the presentation, we used 3D printed bits to decorate the bases, creating an environment that simulates the ruins of an ancient mausoleum. This additional detail not only enhances the aesthetics, but also places the miniatures in a compelling narrative context, as if they had just been resurrected from their ancestral tombs.
    The color scheme was carefully selected for each figure. The Skeleton Warriors and Grave Guard are dressed in worn and rusted steel armor, combined with deep blood red robes. The Necromancer, as the undisputed leader, features pale skin and earthy brown robes, visually standing out against his raised stand. This differentiation not only highlights his importance in the band, but also captures the viewer’s attention immediately.
    The painting was done at a premium level, with extreme attention to detail. We started with a base of ochre and off-white colors for the bones, continuing with the clothing and armor. The application of aging techniques with oils provided a dirty and realistic finish, while the final touches of oxides on the metal parts added authenticity and drama to the miniatures.


    ✻ Age of Sigmar

    ✻ Legions of Nagash Band

    ✻ Assembly

    ✻ Painting

    ✻ Basing

    ✻ 3D Printing

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Customer briefing

    An Undead Project: Legions of Nagash

    Our client, a passionate Warcry fan, met us through social media, where he saw our publications and was impressed with the quality of our work. He decided to contact us for a very special assignment: to paint five complete Warcry bands, all at our premium level of detail and precision.
    The band in question, the “Legions of Nagash”, had to stand out not only for its quality of painting, but also for its visual storytelling and ambiance. The client wanted a color scheme that would highlight the sinister and decadent character of these undead. He requested worn and rusted steel armor, and deep blood red clothing for the skeletons and Grave Guard. For the Necromancer, he wanted a special scheme that included pale skin and earthy brown robes, ensuring that he would stand out as the imposing leader of the band.
    In addition, he requested that the miniature bases be decorated with 3D printed bits, simulating the ruins of an ancient mausoleum. This specific request added an additional challenge, but also an opportunity to showcase our creativity and technical skill. We were honored to accept this assignment and committed to meet the client’s expectations, creating a band that truly comes to life on the battlefield.

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Photo of the project, Premium level

    Among Ruins and Bones: The Nagash Band

    The development of the “Legions of Nagash” band was a project that required precision and dedication. Pau, our team leader and most experienced painter, led this assignment, making sure that each miniature was done to the highest level of quality.
    We began by assembling the miniatures, and then Pau created a sample color scheme for the client’s approval. Once approved, we began painting, starting with a base of ochre and off-white colors for the bones, and continuing with the red clothing and rusty armor.
    Throughout the process, we sent daily progress photos to the client, keeping him informed and excited. Every detail, from the aging with oils to the final touches of rust on the armor, was captured in these images. The Necromancer, with his pale skin and earthy brown robes, was the last to be painted, receiving special attention to stand out as the leader of the band.
    Finally, the bases were decorated with 3D printed bits, simulating mausoleum ruins. This detailed process and constant communication with the client ensured that the result was an impressive band of miniatures true to their original vision.

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band Legions of Nagash Band

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Grave Guards, Premium level

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Necromancer, level Premium

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Skeleton Warriors, Premium

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Skeleton Warriors, Premium level

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    Grave Guards, Premium level

    Banda Legions of Nagash

    What a great job you’ve done on my Votann! I can’t wait to see how the rest of the army looks with your expert hand.


    Opinion taken from Google

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