Soulblight Gravelords Army
Color and paint schemes
Soulblight Gravelords Army is a large army of undead and vampire leaders made for the Season of War YouTube channel. A custom scheme that we tailor made with the client and makes the army unique.
For the painting of almost all the minis we combined our ORNATE and GAME levels, and for the bases we opted for ORNATE level as well. There were only 2 central pieces that were painted entirely Premium. We did the assembly of this project, but without doing any conversions.
When we were looking at scheme options the main idea we had in mind was to go for desaturated colours, with no contrast between them. We wanted to reflect a very arid and devastated environment and we only introduced green as a break from the chromatic monotony.
✻ Age of Sigmar
✻ Soulblight Gravelords
✻ Assembly
✻ Painting
✻ Basing

Customer briefing
I want a hostile and devastated look
We came up with several possibilities of armies to carry out for the channel, finally we decided to go for the undead.
After several days of reviewing various colour scheme proposals, we hit the bull’s eye.

Blood Knights at Game level
Daily monitoring of the project, rise of the dead
It was our first collaboration with them, so there was continuous monitoring to validate the ideas.
We worked on several sample models so that everything would fit with the idea they had in mind, and we sent the day to day of the project by WhatsApp.

Download your zero-dollar painting guide
Got this ebook packed with secrets from our Orks gig for Play On Tabletop. Insane painting guides? Check! Special effects? You bet! Plus, a sneaky gift from the Deadly Print crew. What’s not to love?

Vengorian Lord Premium

Skeleton with sword n shield

Skeleton with spear

Game level Deathrattle Skeletons troops

Blood Knight at Game level

Everything looks great! Thank you so much team for this project. Can’t wait to get them on the table.
Opinion taken from Google
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