Desert Tyranids
Color and paint schemes
This assignment was a perfect combination of creativity and technical challenge: a Tyranid hive set in an arid desert, with a scorpion-inspired color scheme. We were asked for a comprehensive job that included assembly, repair and painting, both of the existing miniatures and an impressive expansion. From synaptic creatures like the Deathleaper to hordes of Thermagants, the army encompasses over 20 unit types, including the most recent additions to the Tyranid range.
The chosen scheme combined ochre and brown tones, evoking a hostile desert ecosystem. On the most colorful units, we applied textures in shells and mottled, which together with the OSL on the synaptic creatures, create an impressive visual effect. For the bases, we followed a simple but effective line, reinforcing the environmental narrative with pigments and textures that mimic sand.
This project not only allowed us to explore the aesthetic connection between the tyranids and the scorpions, but also to stand out in the small details. Each piece, from the Neurotiran to the Tyrannofex, is part of a force that not only devours biomass, but also captivates on the battlefield.
✻ Warhammer 40k
✼ Desert Tyranids
✼ Assembly
✻ Painting
✼ Basing

Customer briefing
Scorpion Hive: Devastators of the Desert
Our client came to us looking for more than just a painting service; he wanted to shape a vision. He had seen our work on custom schematic miniatures and was convinced that we could capture exactly what he was looking for: an army of desert scorpion-inspired tyranids, advancing across an arid landscape.
The assignment was ambitious. It included repairing and restoring his existing army, assembling the new additions and, most importantly, bringing it all together with a paint scheme that evoked the desert sands. He asked us to add special effects like OSL on synaptic creatures and blood splatter on melee troops to give them a more visceral look. In addition, the bases needed to be thematic but simple, with textures and pigments to reinforce the narrative.
The combination of renovation and expansion, along with such a clear and defined concept, grabbed us from the very first moment. Turning a biomass-devouring beehive into an army full of personality was a challenge we were eager to accept.

General picture of the project Game & Ornate level
From the Sands Emerges the Hive
The process of this project was as challenging as it was rewarding, and every step was marked by constant communication with the client. We started with a test miniature representative of the scheme and the setting of the bases. This proposal was quickly approved, allowing us to proceed with confidence.
The first challenge was to repair the existing miniatures, eliminating gaps and matrix residues to ensure a flawless finish. Next, we started the assembly of the new units, from the small hordes of Termagantes to colossus like the Norn Assimilator. We painted following a strategic order: first the most numerous and simple units, and finally the largest and most complex creatures.
During painting, we applied the color scheme inspired by desert scorpions, incorporating textures and details to differentiate levels. On the synaptic creatures, we added OSL effects to highlight their psychic connection, while the melee troops received touches of blood to reflect their brutality.

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Psychophage Game level

Deathleaper Ornate

Termagants Game

Barbgaunts Game level

Neurotyrant & Zoanthropes Ornate

The whole process has been an absolute pleasure. What really stands out to me is the communication with the Art-W team.
Opinion taken from Google
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