Solar Watch Army
Color and paint schemes
We have just brought to life an impressive army of Adeptus Custodes. Each figure has been assembled and painted with a custom color scheme based on the Solar Watch, but with a special touch: the traditional crimson red has been replaced by a vibrant emerald green, which gives a unique personality to this army.
For the armor, we have used a gradient of impeccable whites, maintaining the purity and perfection that characterizes the Custodes. The bases, set in a forest world, have been worked in different levels of detail, including some premium 3D printed elements that provide extra realism. We have recreated dark terrains with bushes and fallen leaves, which reinforces the natural atmosphere we were looking for.
In addition, the Telemon Heavy Dreadnought, being the centerpiece of the army, was painted at a premium level to stand out from the rest. The OSL light effects on the energy and fire weapons of all the miniatures bring an extra dynamism that really elevates the level of visual detail. This project has not only been a challenge in terms of color scheme, but has resulted in an army that looks great in the display cases as well as on the gaming table.
✻ Warhammer 40k
✼ Solar Watch Army
✻ Assembly
✼ Painting
✻ Basing
✼ 3D Printing

Customer briefing
Impeccable white and emerald green: An army of Adeptus Custodes
Our client came to us after seeing some of our previous work on social media. He was looking for a studio that could bring his custom vision to reality and, after researching our techniques and previous projects, he decided we were the perfect team to take on his Adeptus Custodes army. His idea was clear: an army inspired by the Solar Watch colors, but with a unique touch that would better reflect his personal style. So, he asked us to replace the characteristic crimson red with a deep emerald green.
In addition, he requested that all the miniatures of the army be assembled and painted to a high level of detail. He wanted an ornate finish, with the Telemon standing out as the centerpiece painted to a premium level. He also put special emphasis on the bases, wanting them to represent a forest world, something we achieved with realistic textures and additional 3D elements for the more detailed bases. With these clear directions, we set to work to turn his vision into an exceptional project.

General picture of the project Ornate & Premium level
Unique colors and forest bases: the perfect project
Throughout the creation process, we made sure to send daily photos to the customer so that he could follow the progress of his project closely. We started with the assembly of the miniatures, including the washing of the Telemon, a necessary step to prepare the Forgeworld resin. While assembling, we worked on a sample miniature that allowed us to fine-tune the color scheme. After receiving the images, the client was delighted with the emerald green and off-white we proposed.
From there, the work progressed quickly. We shared photos of the armor details and color gradients, which were coming to life as the days went by. We showed every stage of the process: from the gilding of the weapons to the lighting effects (OSL) on the energy weapons.
The bases were also a great point of interest. The client could see how, day after day, we added texture, fallen leaves and brush to the forest bases. These daily updates allowed him to stay on top of every detail until we reached the final result: an army that really captured his vision.

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Got this ebook packed with secrets from our Orks gig for Play On Tabletop. Insane painting guides? Check! Special effects? You bet! Plus, a sneaky gift from the Deadly Print crew. What’s not to love?

Vertus Praetors, Ornate level

Allarus Custodians Ornate

Vertus Praetors Ornate

Telemon Heavy Dreadnought, Premium level

Allarus Custodians Ornate

The whole process has been an absolute pleasure. What really stands out to me is the communication with the Art-W team.
Opinion taken from Google
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